
Dark Forest:

After the series of... trades I suppose... you and your party devise a couple plans to figure out the culprit.

Some of you try to leave out cream to befriend what you think is sprites.

(*Roll* 4)

Which ends up in your bags. It's a mess.

Others attempt to booby trap tacos.

(*Roll* 8)

You awake to find all of the tacos are gone except for the filling has been spilled out. All that was taken was the shell and the glitter.

The glitter however, is everywhere. On top of the tents, in your bags, and what looks to be hundreds of passes thru your camp with several paths leading away from your site.

After trying to follow one it appears it loops back around towards the camp. You do this several more times.

(*Roll* 18)

Exhausted you take a short rest, ready to give up.

"What are you doing?" A small voice comes from behind you.

You turn your head slowly to see a small teal colored egg shaped creature with big eyes, a green wavy looking feet like appendage, and what appears to be a bright blue floppy hat. 

Taken aback by the unexpected question from the strange creature, exchange puzzled glances before one of them cautiously responds, "We're seeking the Glowblossoms to bring light to Radiant Festival. Can you help us?"

The creature's hat flutters in a gentle breeze as it tilts slightly, as if considering the request. After a moment, it responds with a mischievous giggle as it twirls around, spilling glitter everywhere.

"In shadows deep where moonlight gleams,
Beneath the stars and woven dreams,
By waters pure where echoes call,
A game awaits, so heed the call.

Back to where the waters flow,
To where the falls cascade and glow,
A secret game, a merry jest,
A challenge put to every guest.

With laughter bright and spirits high,
Beneath the moonlit, starry sky,
Come join the dance, the forest's glee,
And find the glow in revelry!"

With that, the creature hops high in the air and lands in a cloud of glittery dust, and vanishes.

Waterfall Camp:

(*Roll* 1)

You awake to find teal colored egg shaped creatures giggling and spinning around in the camp, dumping over the kitchen, jumping on lutes, running around with your bags over their heads, and glitter is EVERYWHERE. You have no idea what's going on or why. As you try to grab something from your bag to help with the ensuing chaos, you're poked profusely by one of the many glitter filled spikecones in your bag.

You throw your hands up with no idea what to do next.

Post in the comments your responses, THUMBS UP your favorite to figure out what to do next.

(Session 2: The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown)

user avatar image for Ronni Brown




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