Tiffany Martrano
3 months ago

Project Update: The Final Stretch - Recolors unlocked!

Hey all! Hope you're doing well! Apologies for the bit of silence on my end! I was on a small, much needed, vacation and just got back from my trip!

I'm happy to say that the recolors for the original 5 designs are unlocked! Thank you so much for the overwhelming support!

As the campaign comes to a close I'll likely be quiet as I continue to work on setting up the post campaign survey and begin to organize production with my suppliers. Just a reminder that the campaign is set to close  November 14 at 6PM EST

In preparation for the survey, make sure you have an accessible email address and a valid credit card on file to make the survey process go as smooth as possible! More details on the survey process will come as we get closer to them being sent out. 

In the meantime, thanks so much and have a happy and safe rest of your week!  
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