T.C. Kraven
4 months ago

Project Update: $4300! Check out what's in the Venom Tier!

Good morning Muses! 

$4300 and we still have like 11 days to launch! I'm so incredibly humbled by all your support and love. Seriously, y'all are amazing. 

We just partnered with Enchanted3DForge to bring this AWESOME swag to the Venom Tier! Check out this 3D printed book end featuring Medusa!!

These come at no additional cost, they're simply included in the Venom Book Box Tier. 

Aren't they rad! We are still discussing colors, but right now I'm leaning toward a beautiful Emerald color. What do you think?

The Venom Tier will also have a Dark Fates exclusive ACRILIC book mark, and will feature the ENTIRE holographic tarot sticker pack!

Check out these proofs that just came in of the stickers!

If we reach $5k BEFORE launch, not only will we unlock the bonus page of full color art from Snow, BUT I'll also have special add on items that you can add to your pledge not currently listed, and trust me these are WHEW!

Check out this art for the Endpapers from Snow!
i love y'all, thanks for coming in this ride with me!
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