Heckle Games
4 months ago

Project Update: ♠️♥️♣️♦️ Heckle Game Update!

We're thrilled to announce that our 800-pound shipment of Medieval Heckle has finally arrived! After years of dedication to reimagining our family's original game, we’ve created something special that combines our family's legacy, teamwork, and countless hours of creativity. This game represents the heart and soul of our everything we could ever dream of, filled with engaging features, carefully crafted "Easter egg" surprises, and gameplay shaped by invaluable feedback and countless test runs. We hope it brings joy and a spark of lighthearted fun to everyone who plays.
For those interested in purchasing a copy (or a few as gifts), please reach out to us directly or visit our website at  http://preorder.medievalheckle.com or http://medievalheckle.com

If you lost your survey to finish placing your order you may do so here! https://medieval-heckle.backerkit.com/sign_in

We have so many to thank:
https://beacons.ai/casseneri our exceptionally talented graphic artist, whose visuals bring the game to life.
https://papercrowns.com for the stunning animation work on our trailer and setup guide.
https://www.twitch.tv/imkbau and https://mercanthony.tv for their incredible voiceovers.
Danielle, for her engaging demonstration videos.
The local stores that graciously allowed us to playtest, making every iteration even better.  And, of course, our dedicated backers and early supporters who have been with us every step of the way, cheering us on as we bring tabletop gaming back into the spotlight in this digital age.
Thank you all this wouldn’t have been possible without each and every one of you.

Let's start shipping out your orders <3

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