Vivian || Sugar Cubed Studios
11 months ago

Project Update: Smoke Tests are out!

Hello everyone! 

Thank you for your patience as I went on my vacation and still had to get work done when I came back. I thought I had everything wrapped up to send the surveys while I was traveling, but I was missing some key things and had to delay a few weeks.

That being said, smoke test surveys are being sent out.
Smoke test surveys just means a small percentage of backers will be receiving the live survey and filling them out. This helps me make sure that everything that I've set up is good to go and that there are no hiccups (and if there are, I can still fix my mistakes) and send it out to everyone else.

I'll likely wait up to 48 hours to make sure all/most of the smoke test surveys are filled out before sending the rest.

♥ - Vivian

If you missed the campaign whilst it was live, I've got a pre-order shop open. You'll still get the opportunity to receive a discount so if you're looking to grab one, make sure to do so before everything's all wrapped up. 




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