Vivian || Sugar Cubed Studios
10 months ago

Project Update: Fully Funded in Less than 1 Day!

Greetings Adventurers,

I'm a little bit at a lost for words! I didn't expect all of the Owlbears to be fully funded in under a day!

This morning, I launched the campaign, absolutely prepared that it would take upwards of a week or so to get fully funded, and as I occasionally checked throughout the day, between errands, I was just in disbelief to see the numbers that we've hit!

From the bottom of my heart: thank you!
I can't tell you how excited I am for this project to come to life.

I've been working on this for quite some time. This owlbear you see today isn't the first one I tried to design. My first one, I ended up scrapping, because it just wasn't what I wanted.

I wanted a super chonky owlbear but often times, sketching something doesn't always translate as well into the 3D world.

So - dejected and defeated, I put the project aside.
After a few months, waiting for inspiration to strike, these little critters came to me!

So, what now?

There's still 32 days left to go!
I have a stretch goal in store - it's not another color variant. It's an 'adventure-sized' Owlbear!
I won't reveal anything just yet. I'm working with my production company to get a sample finished before showing it off! I want to make sure things are all groovy before I share it with you guys. Hopefully, it won't take too long to get the simple sample finished!

We have an achievement goal listed!

Help us get 50 RTs (reposts) on Twitter/X and everyone who pledges towards this campaign will get a "Proud Parent" holographic sticker!
Once we reach 50 retweets/reposts, everyone who pledges will receive a sticker!
Goal: 50 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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