Submerged Studio
11 months ago

Project Update: Where we're at

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday if you celebrate thanksgiving, and a wonderful day if you do not.

At the moment we are still waiting for the last few backers to get their surveys finished. But as soon as they do we will be charging cards and scampering to get this all fulfilled and out. Estimated time to go to the printer is by december 1st. We'll be putting a rush on it, so it *should* be here in time for us to ship out by the 15th. While I know we said we can't guarantee a christmas arrival, we are still doing our best to make it happen. We'll keep you posted as we get more updates on timeframe. 

The book is finished, the postcards are finished, the ornaments are finished, the dress is finished, the tree paintings are finished, aaand.. I just finished the snow fairy painting for the limited edition collectable art trading card! I'm actually really pleased with her, I feel like my sense of shading is starting to improve which I am super excited about! I hope you like her as much as I do!

The original has a holographic glittery effect in her hair and eyes, and the fastenings of her robes and jewelry are metallic silver. 

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