Project Update: Short Work of that Goal!
We made short work of that goal. This book is getting made! Looking forward to getting those achievements now.
If you happen to be anywhere near GENGHIS CON this year (coming up soon; Feb 20 -23) stop by and check out INTO THE DARK in action. Jake S is running it, and if you tip him (pizza and some drinks), he might give you some sneak peeks into the test draft edition.
Are a JUDGE with a convention coming up? Please send me a note if you want to run INTO THE DARK or one of our other games.
If you happen to be anywhere near GENGHIS CON this year (coming up soon; Feb 20 -23) stop by and check out INTO THE DARK in action. Jake S is running it, and if you tip him (pizza and some drinks), he might give you some sneak peeks into the test draft edition.
Are a JUDGE with a convention coming up? Please send me a note if you want to run INTO THE DARK or one of our other games.
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
22 votes
• 6 days left
Once we hit this goal, we will add 5 pages to the ILLUMINATION PAD!
Goal: 274
/ 350 backers
We need 76 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit this goal, we will make the booklet on top quality archival papers and card stock.
Goal: $4,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!