Project Update: Charging Cards Soon!
Alright, everyone, I'm back! I've been so busy planning the next launch (in 6 days!!) and my Pocketopia project, that I forgot I already locked orders for this one... However, this means I'm ready to charge cards, and will do that soon. EU backers, do not fret! I'll include invoices with your order to show that you purchased the pin(s) before GSPR went into effect. Unfortunately, none of the pins were unlocked from the preorder store. Those items will be removed from your carts and you will not be charged. However, I do plan on (someday) doing a redux campaign! All my available pins will be sold at a discounted price, and pins that didn't fund will be able to be unlocked! Let me know if this is something you're interested in!
Click on the banners below to follow the teaser pages for my next projects!
Click on the banners below to follow the teaser pages for my next projects!