Hi everyone! Do you remember Valentine the floppy cat, our biggest stretch goal that was highly anticipated but we didn't reach unfortunately?
I wanted to give a heads up that he's making a comeback in a new magical themed campaign that I am planning to launch February 25th, 2025! He will be the very next IMMEDIATE stretch goal RIGHT after the main plush (magical girl Honeybun) to hopefully ensure he will be fulfilled this time!
If you are interested in this campaign and would still like to help get Valentine made into a reality, please check out the pre-launch page here and follow it to help with visibility, if you might be joining it! Let's try to make it to Valentine this time! I know a lot of people were disappointed he didn't get to happen last time, so let's try again!
Let me know if you have any questions of course regarding this new project coming up or (of course!) Yue and Skye's project! <3
Teaser Banner for Project coming FEBRUARY 25TH 2025!
Also, an update on fulfillment! Yue's bulk is due to be shipped to me very soon! I got word that he is done and they'll be sending him off soon.
I am also still waiting on the freebie pins for all merch backers to arrive as well, so once those arrive, I'll send out another update!
Thank you as always for your support for Yue and his pals and your patience! <3 I will let everyone know asap once he's here.