about 2 months ago

Project Update: Skye, Hyacinth, Hydrangea almost with me! Waiting on Freebies, Yue, and Swirly

A small update! Skye, Hydrangea, and Hyacinth are almost here!

However even still, Backerkit orders will have to go out a tiny bit later even if you only ordered one of the 3 aforementioned plushies due to the freebies that are to be included with everyones packages not being here just quite yet. They're almost done! But I'm still waiting on them.

However if you ordered your plushie here through Backerkit and want your plush faster and are willing to forfeit the freebies in exchange for faster shipping, please send an email about that to [email protected]

Otherwise, all Backerkit backers will be defaulted to waiting a tiny little more while I wait on the Backerkit only, exclusive freebies to arrive! It shouldn't be too much longer honestly.

I can't wait to share the freebies when they're done! They're gonna turn out so nice! All of them are pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Thank you as always for your patience and support! As always as well feel free to email me with any questions you have!





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