23 days ago

Project Update: Plushie Availability AFTER the project? This question ANSWERED in detail!

Good afternoon! I've been asked a lot if there will be extras of the plushies from the project AFTER the project is over, up on my shop. The answer is...a resounding MAYBE!

I will not be ordering extras of certain plushies (Yue in particular will have VERY limited extras if any at all - most likely won't have extras). If any plushies do have extras, please keep in mind not only will they be VERY limited in quantity, and they will be higher in price after the campaign via my shop. On my shop, any remaining extras will be $45 and NOT $42. The price tag of $42 (or less if you get a bundle) is the special discounted price only for the project!

I cannot guarantee any designs having extras for my shop nor how many they might have if there ends up being a few.

I wanted to clarify this to help with those asking and trying to decide if they should wait or not by presenting all of the facts and info!

I would highly recommend backing the project so you're guaranteed your choices, umlimited, if you have your heart absolutely set on a specific design.
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