Firstly I want to thank you so much profusely for the strong start we're off to in the first 40 mins!! I can't believe it, I seriously can't begin to thank you all enough for the support and I am grateful beyond words forever!! <3 Thank you for enjoying my designs, it truly means everything to me!|
I wanted to give a heads up that if the goals seem different than when I originally posted them on social media, that is because they are indeed different! I applied a little arithmetic and figured out that I could lower the goals a smidge to be able to have them made at each stretch goal AND also to be able to reach them a bit easier!
Of course as always thank you again everyone for the amazing support and strong start! I am truly blown away and shocked and it means the entire world to me! ;3; <3 If you have any questions feel free to comment on any updates or email me at [email protected] !