Storytellers Forge Studios
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Tell Us How You Died! Poll Incoming!

It's the Weekend! The Coffee is ready. The Metal is playing. The Rick is writing.

On my dev docket for today is finishing off the Pledge Manager and creating a playlist for our takeover of tomorrow! We are also close to contributor raises! So... just putting that out there.

So how have I lost characters in roleplaying? Well... you see... I've played a LOT of Vampire The Masquerade. I was one of those kids in trench coats slinging Rock Paper Scissors in Live Action games for a solid decade. So most of my deaths fall under the PVP banner. However, in D&D, my iconic character death is that of Alios - Cleric of Mask. A divine assassin I had back in 3.5 who mixed in rogue and shadowwalker levels.

My brilliant idea was to invade an army of demons in this level 18 campaign with shadows as part of a celestial holy war raging. The storyteller, when he realized the 300HP+ demon generals still only had a strength of 24, quickly realized why I was going solo. A chain reaction of undead assassination was about to unfold across their entire war camp.

His wicked grin grew across the table as the plan unfolded, drawing Alios deeper and deeper into the island. I think everyone reading can see where this is going: a player who feels unstoppable, everyone at the table rooting for this surprise hit that would end the campaign, and a storyteller letting me cut loose with a character shackled in actual society.

Alios learned two things that day. The first was that his shadows were very, very effective at killing and growing... and the second: When the general at the far end isn't a demon like you thought, but rather a fallen angel with a god of death at his side--having a few hundred undead shadows that you think are fully under your control is not a bet you should ever make.

Alios had a strength of 8.

That's my death.

In Other News! Hit Point Press has launched Big Bads!

I'll say one thing about the OGL debacle, it's certainly brought a lot of us content creators MUCH closer together, and I promised in the last update I'd start showcasing our studio friends' projects. We write storylines and campaigns primarily, so we naturally fit in with other books and games out there. This Bossitary is filled with the perfect mix of lore and story around each creature, and the Big Bad Bureau needs you to show these monsters who is really the boss (them, not you... maybe you. They do offer health insurance).

Filled with magic items for 5E and some fantastic creature art by an amazing studio, you can't go wrong adding this one to your collection. I mean, look at Runcible Scowler above! That's BOSS friggin' art.

I'm sure Ollie, our Social Media Maven, would have a comment or two about this suit-wearin' Dragonborn.

So CHECK THEM OUT! And after their bosses have put your characters in the grave. We've got you covered with The Black Ballad!

Remember to join our discord! Have a great weekend, everyone!
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