Hello everyone. I don’t know how many fellow backers check the community tab. But if any do, I am new to this show and have only heard about it through the Lackadaisy community. I am still learning about the show, but after seeing this page and the character bio’s and story, I can say that I think this show has a chance to be something great. But so far it seems the pilot will be short of being the best it can be if not funded in time. I have no problem with seeing an animatic, but I want to help the pilot be the best it can be to everyone. We can all help by spreading the word around in the last eleven days of the crowdfund to everyone we know and visit the Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy store. There is a store of this show where you can buy or donate to help the fund the show too. If anyone isn’t aware of this store, it is called “latgbg.com”. I hope this helps the pilot reach its goal of being funded. I have faith that this show can be something great for everyone. I wish the creator the best of luck and encourage everyone to help spread the word by mouth, twitter (X), YouTube, any way to help the pilot be the best it can be. We can do this everyone! :)






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