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• 3 days left
Project Update: It's Launch Day!
We're stoked to get Blackthorn out into the wild! We've been developing this game for a long time and it's passed several iterations. It all started as a hack of Cloud Empress, and Mothership, geared towards high urgency one shots, but now it is its own kind of terror.
Blackthorn is a d12+d6 mixed success system bleeding with narrative bits. It's focused on the characters reaction to supernatural danger and lets players lean into all sorts of character types to better tell a shared horror story. Settings for adventures span throughout the early-to-mid 1900s, but most importantly are centered on the local stage. A single area, a small community or subcommunity, and a lethal supernatural threat. We're stoked to launch the game with an array of adventures! We have three hard-hitting pamphlets and several dangerous one-page adventures to go alongside them.
Thank you for diving into the darkness with us! May your soul be protected against the supernatural!