William C. Tracy
12 days ago

Project Update: We are funded!

Thank you folks! We are fully funded as of this morning!

This is certainly the fastest I've had a crowdfunding campaign fund in the seven I've run, so thank you for that! I'm sure having such an amazing lineup of authors doesn't hurt!

The Booktopia authors are tentatively talking about another livestream event tomorrow (Sunday) around 2pm EST, so keep that time open! I'll send out more details once we finalize things.

In the meantime, I wanted to go over my favorite things from this campaign since we still have 19 days of funding left: the stretch goals!

Our first one is at $6,000, and as always, I want to make sure my authors are paid what they're worth. So for this goal, our headliners and all the submitted stories we choose will get an extra $0.01 per word in payment!

Once we hit that, we have a fun stretch goal for you all. At $7,000, The Lesbians in Space anthology will get 5 illustrations for select stories! Yours could be one of these... We will also be including the two illustrations from our card set.

At $8,000, We'll pay all our writers another $0.01 per word!

Then we have a couple stretch goals I'm really excited for. At $10,000, everyone who's getting a hardback version of lesbians in Space will get an extra fancy version! I'm currently pricing out different options, and if we hit this goal, I'll have a poll to see what everyone wants. In the running are:
-a cloth bookmark
-head and tail bands
-colored end papers
I'm super excited for this one, but it will definitely increase my production costs, which is why this one is up there a bit.

Finally, at $11,500, we're going to do something we haven't been able to before. We're going to pay ourselves!  I've been running Space Wizard since 2021 as a small press, and I've been using crowdfunding as a great way to pay for costs, but that's all they do! They are often break-even or even a little negative for us, but that's still a lot better than having to fund all the covers and author payments out of my own pocket. You all are helping this press succeed!  This time, we're building in a goal specifically to paying the owners of Space Wizard for our work, which means we have some breathing room to pay bills and set up our next amazing campaign!

Let's see how far we can go!

Until next time...

William Tracy
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