Paperback Lesbians in Space, plus four other Space Wizard titles!

Pick any of the available paperback books and it's yours, sent as soon as it's ready
Book choices are (* = forthcoming in 2024/2025):

The Dissolutionverse (William C. Tracy):
The Seeds of Dissolution (Book 1)
Facets of the Nether (Book 2)
Fall of the Imperium (Book 3)

The Shifting Lands Series (William C. Tracy):
Physical Magic*

Ardulum (J.S. Fields):
Ardulum: First Don
Ardulum: Second Don
Ardulum: Third Don
Tales from Ardulum
Ardulum: The Battle for Pruitcu
Ardulum: The Shadows of Fate*

The Alchemical Duology (J.S. Fields):
Foxfire in the Snow*
Ocean of Fireflies*

Distant Gardens
Farther Reefs
Lofty Mountains
Fiery Deeps
The World of Juno

Quirk and Moth (Robin C.M. Duncan):
The Mandroid Murders (Book 1)
The Carborundum Conundrum (Book 2)
The Rigel Redemption (Book 3)

The Biomass Conflux (William C. Tracy):
Of Mycelium and Men (Book 1)
To a Fungus Unknown (Book 2)
The Spores of Wrath (Book 3)

Beads of Bone (C.J. Hosack):
The Slayer's Magic (book 1)
The Traveler's Magic (book 2)*

The Bastion Cycle (Alex Kingsley):
Empress of Dust (Book 1)

The Space Station Duology (A.Z. Rothkillis):
Space Station X

Tales of Trelvania (Kristina Kelly):
Tavern Tale*

One of Our Spaceships is Missing (Chris Gerrib)
My Heart is Human (Reese Hogan)
Junk Junction (Sara Codair)
The Rosewood Penny (J.S. Fields)
Fruits of the Gods (William C. Tracy)
Talio's Codex (J. Alexander Cohen)
Only a Chapter (Heather Tracy)*

The Dissolutionverse RPG (William C. Tracy)
Creatures of Ruin RPG (Alex Kingsley)

Paperback Lesbians in Space, plus four other Space Wizard titles!


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