Goblin Archives
8 months ago

Project Update: Thank you for a successful project

We are so excited that this first crowd funding was such a success (this was the Liminal Horror's first crowdfunding experience for a physical product, but definitely wasn't Jarrett's first rodeo which helped a lot).

Hitting $22,295 is amazing and will help us bring such an amazing book to your shelves.

So what is next?
  • Integrating Proof Edits: I am on the final four spreads, integrating Jarrett's proof edits into both the affinity file and our manuscript. 
  • Maps: Josh has four more maps to complete, which should be done this weekend.
  • Hyperlinking and bookmarking: I will be working on that once Josh finishes the maps. Its an important step to make the pdf as usable as possible.
  • Final proof pass: Jarrett will do a final look over to make sure everything is all good.

Then we send the files to the printer and get that ball rolling. I'm feeling really good that our internal timelines and goalposts are being hit consistently. 

We'll keep you updated on the process throughout. And hopefully will have final pdfs in not too long!

As backers there's a special treat below (as promised since we hit over 500 backers).
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content





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