Project Update: Sample copy received and next steps!
Project Update: Digital Downloads Headed Your Way!
We're super excited for you all to see what's in store in the physical book, and this digital distribution marks a milestone for us as we are on the journey to getting this printed and in your hands.
Cheers until next time!
Project Update: Campaign complete, here are the next steps!
We'll be working behind the scenes for the next week or so getting the BackerKit pledge manager sorted out. After that we will be delivering an early version of the digital files with some extras for everyone to peruse while we work on tidying up the book and such.
Cheers! Talk to you soon!
Project Update: Smoke Test going live today, all surveys by end of the week!
We're excited to announce that we are shortly sending the smoke test to 5% of our backers to ensure there are no snags in the survey procedure. Once those are in and as long as there are no issues we will send surveys to backers. The sooner you all fill out your surveys the sooner we can begin delivering the first stage of the digital rewards to everyone. Keep your eyes on your inboxes.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I was on the fence about whether to back at the digital or physical tier given the extraordinary price difference, and especially given I would have liked to see more of what is inside. However, what /is/ on display appears so well wrought that I decided to take the chance. :) I hope it pans out! And I hope we reach some of those additional material/pamphlet stretch goals, though it looks like we might not. Any chance they would be available in some other manner?