All rewards have been shipped, so please check your account. There should be info with your Canada Post tracking number on your pledge page. Please don't hesitate to message me ...
snacks please
7 months ago
I have the pins!!!
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the long time between updates, but the pins have finally made their way into my hands. After only looking at the pins verrry quickly, I will say I am VERY...
snacks please
9 months ago
Small Manufacturing Update
I've gotten some VERY preliminary sample pics from my manufacturer. The pin samples have all been made and coloured with enamel. Right now they are awaiting the printing....
snacks please
10 months ago
The Pins have been Ordered! + Surveys
Good Morning!
I have placed the order for the pins with my manufacturer!! There will be a 2-3 week wait for them to make samples, and from there 4 or so weeks for manufacture. S...
snacks please
10 months ago
Vinyl Sticker Question
Hi everyone,
Quick update - the surveys are coming soon. Just sent out the 'smoke test' to 5% of backers, so the full survey will be coming soon. If you got the survey already,...
snacks please
11 months ago
Kirby Reveal + Thank You + Surveys Coming Soon
Hi Everyone,
I didn't send out a thank you email right after the end of the campaign, but I am saying it now: thank you all so much. These pin designs wouldn't be on the cusp o...
All rewards have been shipped, so please check your account. There should be info with your Canada Post tracking number on your pledge page. Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any issues or questions! Thank you all again, for a final time! -Caitlin
Hi everyone, Sorry for the long time between updates, but the pins have finally made their way into my hands. After only looking at the pins verrry quickly, I will say I am VERY pleased with how they came out!! I will be grading and putting them on backing cards this week. If everything goes smoothly with that, I should be able to start sending your rewards out by early next week! Thank you all so much for your patience and for your support! Here is a crappy picture with bad lighting of some of the pins :P I will let you all know once shipping has started! Bye for now, Caitlin
I've gotten some VERY preliminary sample pics from my manufacturer. The pin samples have all been made and coloured with enamel. Right now they are awaiting the printing. Once the samples have gotten their uv printing, I will scrutinize them and make any colour changes, etc that are necessary. THEN once the designs are all okayed, the mass production will begin. I know it's a slow process, but it is really important to me to make sure they come out as perfectly as they possibly can! Here is a little collage of all the pictures my manu sent me. The pins are rough and not perfect, but that's fine because these are just samples. They will really come to life when all the printing gets added! Also, I have received all the vinyl stickers and the backing cards for these pins! So we're well on our way. Also, if you're one of the people who still hasn't filled out their survey, please try to do that asap. Thanks again everyone, Caitlin
Good Morning! I have placed the order for the pins with my manufacturer!! There will be a 2-3 week wait for them to make samples, and from there 4 or so weeks for manufacture. So we're moving along the timeline as predicted (fingers crossed) and should be ready to ship end of June/early July!
I have also ordered all the vinyl stickers, and, per the poll I posted last update, have upped the size to 3" for each sticker. (the GameBuddy sticker isn't 3" tall, but it did get larger in proportion with the other stickers)
80 of you have completed your surveys (hooray! thanks!) but 14 still need to do that. So if you have a moment, please do go and complete that survey asap. Thanks again, -Caitlin