3 months ago

Project Update: NPC Persons of Interest Art Reveal

Howdy backers,

Thanks so much for all your support. We're getting near the final days and I wanted to share some of the great NPC portraits that Jacob Fleming has been putting out. Each of them has their own desires, relations, tasks for the PC's- and someone is a murderer. In designing Interloper it was important to me that the crews can approach the module without following some singular "correct" path of investigation and still have a sweet time. In a lot of the noir media that inspired Interloper there isn't a lot of black and white morality but a cast of characters covered in varying shades of grey. To achieve this feel I try to keep even  adversarial or repugnant NPC's as potential people the crew might be interested in aligning their interests with as they try to solve the murder or get entirely swept up in other sidequests that draw their interests. Uncovering the web of connections and secrets between the inhabitants of Interloper is a investigative or social crawl that should provide some fun routes for exploration. The game is afoot! 🕵️    





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