Shiloh Walker
5 months ago

Project Update: The Book Jacket...GUYS. OH. MY. GOODNESS. GUYS!!!

Look at how pretty!!!

It's still being finished, because me and my tired brain kept missing information while I was on the road, even though Rachel patiently explained what she needed from me, but... isn't it GORGEOUS?

This is the dust jacket going on the hardcover for those who ordered. I LOVE IT.

The design was done by Rachel with Blue Raven Book Covers.


Also in the works:

Have commissioned the artist for the map and the second chibi, as well as another piece of erotic art and the image that will reveal Ivy in her true form.


Extra art...

The trip I was on with my kiddo...we spent some time in Maine and one of the reasons... I wanted to travel a little farther north and check out the area where I wanted to base the story.

I'm kinda thinking about having an artist commissioned to do a piece of art based off a picture we took of Moosehead Lake to include in the picture. It was views like this that inspired me to set the book in Maine. (Image is below in backer-only updates)

If I do this, I'll include prints of it in the book boxes. :)

The kid and I took so. many. pictures.

Speaking of book boxes (and all assorted book stuff)

It's your last chance to finish/update your surveys. Either this week or next, I'll close them and cards will be charged.  I've got a book event this weekend, so I might wait until next week to close the surveys out, but once I do that, cards are charged and there's no chance to add anything else.

Perfect for Spooky Season

Do you like the Winchesters?
Do you like the Bridgertons?

Then you should totally check out my upcoming KS project. I'm teaming up with my buddy Amy Ruttan and we're off to monsterize Regency England, so loosen your corset strings, my dears! Join us!

Talk soon!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content





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