FORM Media Music
about 1 year ago

Project Update: Merch Update!

Yo awesome people!


70% of you have already completed your backer surveys! We appreciate your quick response as it helps figure out the quantity of products to make and the logistics on where it has to go.

For the 30% of you that haven't yet completed your backer survey, please do so as soon as you can as it really helps us out! You will have received emails about it but you can also click here to gain access to it!


Here are first looks at some of the awesome Shao merch that is coming your way, thanks to our incredible artist Krissy Diggs!



I don't know about you, but I think this stuff looks sick!

We've also heard from Shao that Volume 2 of his Manga series is almost completed!

Announcement From Shao!

We have a message from Shao for you all!

I can FINALLY announce, because of all of you supporting the Genki Dama Japan Tour 2024, we've recieved additional funding and support from the UK Government in the form of the MUSIC EXPORT GROWTH SCHEME from the BPI, the DCMS and Department of Business and Trade!!

This is HUGE for me because MEGS funding and support demonstrates that an artist is export ready and indicates that they are a musical talent that can contribute significantly to the British music industry and economy on a global scale. So begins the legend of International Shao.

Thank you all SO MUCH!!!!

This means the UK government will help us make an even bigger and better Genki Dama Japan Tour! And its all thanks to you all. You're awesome.

What's Next?

In March, we hope to update you on our production schedule AND our tour details.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions!

- Deren and the Shao Team 






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