Aspen Park
12 months ago

Project Update: That's a Wrap! And a Huge Thank You!!

Thank you to everyone who made this project a success!! We couldn't have done it without you 🧡

What comes next?

1) Backerkit will start charging cards soon for pledges!

2) After payments finish processing is when surveys go out to select your rewards! It takes up to two weeks, so just hang tight for now. We'll be sure to post another update once Surveys have gone out!

3) We're offering a preorder store! If you missed the campaign, you can now snag goodies from the preorder store for a limited time! We will close the preorder store when surveys lock in mid April (exact date TBD)!

4) Once we receive the funds and get surveys filled out, we'll begin sending everything off for manufacturing! 

We'll keep you all updated every step of the way, but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! Thank you again for all your support!

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