Sarah Biglow - Fantasy and Mystery Author
23 days ago

Project Update: WE DID IT!

Happy Friday quest seekers!

Well, we did it. Pintopia has come to a close and we managed to unlock three of our beautiful designs.

BackerKit should be processing your payments now. Do keep an eye on your email, in the event they run into an issue. You've got some time to fix any errors.

Next Steps

While BackerKit is gathering funds, I'll be getting the surveys in order on the backend. You'll be able to pick the designs you want during the survey and because there are some of you who got six pins, but we only unlocked three designs, you'll get to pick multiples of your favorites!

Surveys will open February 27, 2025 and close March 15, 2025.

It is very important you get your surveys in by the deadline so that I know how mny pins to order. Plus...

Survey Stretch Goals!

I looked things over and when I set up the surveys and add-ons, we're going to have another crack at unlocking our three remaining pins.

Here's how it works, each pin will need to have 20 orders in order to cover the production cost and unlock the design. If we hit that number by the time surveys close, Ill be able to order the additional designs. If we don't get there, you won't be charged for those add-ons and they'll be removed from your cart.

Thank you again for coming on this journey with me. I'll be back soon with more updates!





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