Just a quick update. I've added the Florid Jungle Hydra as a new vinyl holo sticker design per request as its own add-on.
Please be aware that because the sticker pack already has pledges that I cannot add this new sticker to it. Backerkit does not allow changes to an add-on or tier after people have already pledged to it. So if you would like this sticker as well, you will need to add it as is.
I have also had requests for a sticker pledge only. Unfortunately I have decided against it for this event as it counts as a full pledge for the cross colab freebie, and I don't think its fair to only pledge for stickers and get a free pin. Backerkit has commented that they will be fixing this issue for the future, but until then I cant make donation tip tiers or sticker only tiers. However these stickers will be available as regular items in my shops!
That's it from me! Hope you all have a good start of the week!