Chant (Hollows Producer)
3 months ago

Project Update: Post-Campaign Update 1: Thank You, and It Begins


The Hollows crowdfunder ended four days ago. We did it. You did it. 

Now we’re on to the best part: making the book. Books. And components, and extras, and all the delicious stretch goals we achieved. 


We’ll be opening up the pledge manager and backer surveys by the end of July (at the latest). If you’ve used Backerkit before, this will be a familiar process. You’ll confirm your pledge includes everything you want, have an opportunity to add extras, and give us your address for delivery. 

We’re not charging shipping yet. We won’t do that until we’re nearly ready to ship out books. The cutthroat world of international logistics moves like lightning, so we hold off as long as possible to make sure our shipping calculations stay accurate between charging you for shipping and actually doing the shipping.


The Weapons information we shared with you during the campaign seemed to go down well – so we’re going to keep sharing glimpses of the Hollows over the summer and possibly beyond. We’ll start with a blog post about Hollows four factions – the Crown, the Conclave, the Temple, and the House – each week throughout July. 

After that, we’ll be picking setting and story elements to share as and when we’ve got something bite-sized to tell you about. It’s difficult to unpack, for example, ideas and expressions of class consciousness in the Isles in a 5–600 word blog post (but we might try). 


Apart from those sneak previews, you should expect an update from me about once a month – more often if we’ve got something exciting to show off. 

We’ll also be in touch more often if there’s a problem you need to know about, so if we’re unexpectedly quiet it means we’re busy making books: all is well.  

If you’ve got questions for me (Chant) or the team as a whole, you can leave a comment on this or any future update and I’ll get back to you as soon as I have an answer. 

You can also come and join our Discord. It’s nice there, and there are lots of people talking about Hollows.

Let’s make some books!
Producer Chant





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