Now that we've hit our £40,000 stretch goal, we will be adding a 24 page booklet to the Heart GM screen! We are very excited to cram this booklet to bursting with useful tables, references, and handouts that will let GMs take their Heart games to new heights (or depths?).

The idea being that you crazy GMs can cut out parts of the booklet and stick them all over your screen, to create your very own 'red-string-murder-board' GM screen custom made for your game.

With that in mind, what sorts of tables or references would you like to see in the GM booklet? Comment below and we might be able to add them in! 

Here are some ideas provided by the RRD team and the Rowan Rook and Decard Discord to get your creative juices flowing.

- Trinkets, rubbish, and pocket-lint.
- Random NPCs and Delvers.
- Havens and what makes them unique.
- Environmental descriptions by Tier.
- Strange sights.

- Skills, Domains, and their associated uses.
- Equipment tags.
- Fallouts.
- A flowchart of how Delves work.
- An index of the rulebook.
- A simple rules summary.
- Class Beat Sheets.

- A ratty return ticket for the Vermissian, never used.
- Strange sketches of creatures, landmarks, and other disquieting sights.
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