Rose Gauntlet Entertainment
10 months ago

Project Update: 🍓Update #22- Production Wrapping Up🥬


Hey Backers,  

Things are moving along nicely so we don’t have much of an update for you this month. Wild Gardens is wrapping up production and will be leaving the factory in the next week or two. That means we’ll be loading it on the boat and its journey from across the ocean and to your tables will have begun. 

Over the next few weeks, the games will travel across the Pacific Ocean as they head to their various final destinations. While the games are in transit, we’ll be providing your order info to all the fulfillment centers. This means that once the games reach their respective destinations, they'll be swiftly dispatched to your doorstep.

It's important to note that all shipping addresses are now finalized and will be transmitted to the fulfillment centers this week. If you need to make any last-minute adjustments, please notify us promptly, as once this information is forwarded, updates become more challenging to implement.

We’ll also be sending a few advanced copies to popular Board Game channels for reviews and playthroughs! So, keep your eyes peeled to your favorite content creators to see if Wild Gardens pops up in the coming weeks. And let us know which content creators you want to see reviewing Wild Gardens! 

As always please reach out to or comment if you have any questions or concerns. 

The Rose Gauntlet Team

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