Ok, I have pledged in Backerkick, unfortunately it still hinges in being able to read the rulebook as it stands right now. I have watched the few videos available, and I know that they have a nice looking rulebook. Please post the Rulebook, even if it is a temporary google doc. Unfortunately, I only pledged for the game ($50 plus $16 delivery to the US), since the game gorgeous wood pieces are PRICEY! They are priced between $0.22 - 0.25 each. Wood has gone up in price and this game has very few backers, yet the BIG deluxe games we recently received and/or pledged were less dollars and they contained a huge number of meeples. Games like La Granja Deluxe, last 3 deluxe KS from KTBG [Power Plants with 72 wood tiles and meeples almost has 300 pieces], Septima Deluxe, CoMKL Royal Collectors, were much less and have a huge number of heat printed, silk printed and plain meeples plus metal pieces, they were All-in less than $125. Perhaps, the price of those add-ons could be lower with a greater production number? The pricing of the main game at $50 is attractive, as well as the art book price for $30. I have gotten several art books (in particular Flamecraft Deluxe and Everdell Collection), and they are much liked, yet I would also like to know details like size, paper stock, binding, number of pages. The number of pages of the Flamecraft book was almost doubled and it was a nice surprise. The books needs better marketing, more photos, more details need to be posted. Every Crowdfunding campaign should study the campaigns for Flamecraft, Isle of Cats Big Box, and KTBG campaigns (Helaina makes them fun!). Those campaigns were able to engage and excite their backers so much, that it was fun to participate in them, and post in the comments daily and share in social media. Lots of backers became cheerleaders, spreading the awareness of the campaign by participating in the daily challenges, posting fan art related to the games, exchanging ideas about the theme and creating stories. Oh the stories from Septima were awesome; the participation and competition in selecting the final look of Power Plants was ferocious; Flamecraft daily posting was pure cute overload (the excitement was insane) and the wealth of marketing materials kept trickling down; Frank West (The Isle of Cats) was a charm monsters with daily comments, podcasting, games and personally responding to every comment and engaging with every backer was amazing. If there are campaign masters, the Flamecraft team, Frank West and Helaina Cappel are "IT". The amount of dates and events lined up for each day of their campaigns reflected a lot of hard work and deep connection with their backers. The Comment sections here and at BGG should be filled with engagement from the creators and cheerleaders. I think Wild Gardens has the same potential as those amazing big campaigns of 13k to 2k backers. Just like those other games, the art in Wild Gardens is spectacular, the graphic design seems solid, and if the game play is engaging, this game should gather similar attention, it deserves it. Good luck to the Creators of Wild Gardens, and I sincerely hope to see more than paid crowdfunding previews. I want a photographic tour of your work, rulebook discussions and tons of varied videos like in the campaign of Septima. In the crowdfunding page I need a wealth of information and photos like Frank West included in the last The Isle of Cats KS page or how clear Mindclash presented Septima in a KS page. Where's my designer diary? Where is my cute swag, ok I always buy stuffed animals, last one I order was for Collab Deluxe and I cannot wait for Cathulu and the included Art Prints. We have our collection of Art Prints from board games in an album at home, waiting to maybe be framed. You got me covered with the plushy, so where's my metal pin like those of 25th Century games, or cute stickers, maybe more bookmarks with your excellent art. Where is the All-In Package and I can't say NO to? Ok, maybe I need to back a bit less... so $50 plus shipping it is, afterall it is only your 2nd campaign, but what a cute looking game it is! Yes, I will get my heart broken once it will be available in online retail shops for less and free shipping, it always happens with some publishers. Best of luck and don't forget to motivate us to forage. It is Spring baby!🌷🌻🥀






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