If we hit 200 backers, everyone gets a free derpy wizard corgi sticker!
Cosplay, Corgis & Chaos

Cosplay, Corgis & Chaos

You're now a corgi. You've been dropped into the middle of a story where you and your party of fellow backers must go on an adventure. Every decision you make as a group has a consequence. Are you ready for this? Guest pin by Lizbie Cafe!
$8,124 🎉
of $1,300
Project Ended
Ended on at





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Pintopia 2024

This project is part of Pintopia 2024, which runs from March 28th - April 18th 2024. The more Pintopia pins you back, the more FREE pins you can earn ✨ Learn more →


Welcome to Pintopia — a celebration of creativity and collaboration from a diverse group of artists collectively running enamel pin crowdfunding projects from March 28th - April 18th.

Freebie Cross-Collaboration Pins — All 125+ Pintopia creators have paired up with a fellow participant to create two unique pin designs together. If BOTH projects reach their initial funding goal, backers who support BOTH will get the TWO [2] cross-collab pins for FREE! One from each creator. The more pairs of Pintopia creators you support, the more free pins you will earn ✨

How can you resist these adorable designs?


Did you know that the first 48 hours of a campaign are the most important? It helps with driving the momentum and help campaigns reach their goal! In order to thank backers who back quickly, as well as returning backers from previous campaigns, I have created two incentives to show our deepest gratitude!

These incentives will automatically be added to your campaign!

Freebie Checklist:
- Back both this campaign & Lizbie's campaign for TWO free pins!
- Back this campaign early, and get ONE potion enamel pin!
- Are you also returning backer? You get ONE additional potion enamel pin!

For maximum potential freebies, back early AND back both projects!


Buster sighs. He's bored and there isn't anything to do. Murphy ambles over and plops down next to Buster.  Being a dog is so boring. While they lay on the porch, they notice a blue streak zip across the field and into the woods.

What was that? They both look at each other before leaping up to chase it. Before they get to the woods, they run into another dog. He's dressed as a wizard. After a sniff of the rear and a bark, they learn this is Simon. 

Simon barks about a giant pile of treats that were rumored to be left behind by a dragon in the woods. Buster tilts his head trying to understand. Why would anyone leave treats unguarded? Who knows, but it sounds like it's worth checking out.

After putting on their wizard cloaks and hats they both grab a staff. It's time to head into the woods and find this treasure! Simon leads the way. The forest seems like any other. Crickets chirp all around, birds sing and owls hoot. The underbrush rustles as a rabbit rushes away from the group. Their ears move all around picking up a haunting echo. Maybe the forest isn't safe and they should find a a place to wait out whatever lingers near them.

Buster notices a cave and stops at the entrance to wait for the others.


Character Selection: Choose your Wizard Voting -  LINK

Meet the Wizards!

, a handsome Cardigan Welsh corgi from a nearby town, has come to be known around the island for his adventurous spirit. He can often be found making some rather alien sounds while digging holes on his endless search for buried treasure. While his efforts have been fruitless thus far, he doesn't let that discourage him.

It is also rumored that he and the local groomer are sworn enemies. It's unsubstantiated, but it does make you wonder...

Simon (Green) - Black & White Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Murphy, a strapping young Pembroke Welsh corgi, is well known for his brave demeanor. He will run head first into any situation. Many say he's operating on a single brain cell. He has been spotted staring off into space on many occasions.  

There is a tall tale from his potato years about an encounter in the nearby graveyard. They say he single-pawdly scared off a clowder of cats who were up to no good. He nearly lost his tail in the scuffle! He's truly a brave soul.

Murphy (Red) - Black Headed Tricolor Pembroke (or can be Black & Tan Cardigan) Welsh Corgi

And last, but not least, Buster!

He's a docked Pembroke Welsh corgi from Kika Bay. He often finds himself in a leadership position despite trying to hang back and be more of an observer. Murphy, his best friend since puppyhood, often charges into situations leaving Buster to clean up the mess. He tends to be a quick thinker and is generally the voice of reason when they are out on adventures.

He spends many days basking in the sun, dreaming of adventure.

Buster (Blue) - Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi

*When this goal is reached, ALL 3 wizard designs become available. Voting has no impact on this, it's just for fun.


Noses to the floor, they enter the cave hoping to find a chest full of treats and toys. Murphy picks up a sweet scent and bolts deeper into the cave. Buster barks at Simon to get his attention before running after Murphy.

Murphy's staff pulses with light, illuminating the cave just enough to avoid any major obstacles. Suddenly, he stops. Buster and Simon slam into him, falling over like a bunch of bowling pins.

Murphy had stopped in a large cavern with an opening to the surface, light spilling onto the rocks below. Sounds from fairy wings fluttering fill the air. Water is trickling down the rocks near the opening onto the slick granite floor. Plink. Plink. Plink.

A beam of light bounces off a glistening object in the corner. Perhaps there is treasure? The scent of the musty cave is overpowering, so they need to move closer to get a better view. While Buster and Simon sit down, Murphy decides he needs to see what it is now.

Murphy sneaks over to investigate more closely. He can finally smell something but it doesn't smell like the promised treats. What IS that smell? The smell is moving towards him, so he crouches behind a rock.

Light refracts through a mostly transparent green creature as it moves through the sunlight. (slimy sound of some sort), leaving a trail of green goo.

It stretches, facing where Murphy is hiding. Some stats pop up on the screen. It's a gelatinous necroloaf with a belly full of objects! Time to help them make a decision! Vote now!

Vote for Action: Help them decide! -  LINK


It's at that moment they decide they need to sneak past this creature. It continues to move as the dogs slowly creep rock to rock, trying to keep enough distance between them and the creature itself.  After what feels like an eternity, they make it a safe distance beyond.

In the corner, something catches the light. They quietly make their way to the objects. They have stumbled upon a stash of potions! They are strange as they glitter unlike potions they had seen before.

Buster looks back and motions towards what looks like an exit to the cave. Murphy and Buster grab a few bottles and start to leave. Simon is still sniffing around the pile in hopes of finding the treasure of bones and treats. He looks up and nods a the duo. They nod back. Simon fully intends on staying behind to explore deeper into the other tunnels.

As Buster and Murphy near the opening, that blue streak appears again. This time they are ready to pursue it. They chase it, closing in as they get into a foggy part of the woods. The streak stops and takes form in the clearing up ahead. It looks like a corgi? It quickly turns to face them, and the screech to a stop.

This confuses them. Does it want something? They both sit down and think about their next move. What do you think they should do? Vote now!

Vote for Action: Help them decide! -  LINK


They bark at the creature since that is the most logical thing to do. It backs up, they continue to bark and eventually it turns and runs. It drops a plush on the way out. 



📦 Curious about the timeline for this project? 

Please see our estimated schedule above for production and fulfillment. Please keep in mind the timeline is merely an estimate based on past experiences with production, quality checking, remakes (if needed), and shipping. Anything can change due to delays, errors or other unforeseen circumstances.

General ETA on pins is 2-3 months production + 1-2 weeks shipping while plush is 2 months + 1-2 months shipping. These times are estimates without any delays.


Here are some quick links for anyone interested in following socials or the direct link to the website if you found this campaign after it was already completed. <3

Website Link:

Facebook Page:


While I randomly update my website and socials, for more accurate up to date information about what projects I am working on, where preorders are (or will open), and just for a more personal social experience - Discord and Facebook (group not page) are the places to be!

Discord Link:

Facebook Group:


If you're just finding me through Backerkit, here are some previous enamel pins I have made! See, look at all this fantastic experience I have.


So Pintopia has been exciting and stressful for most if not all of us! I have to admit I do not have enough money to back all the projects I love and I know a few of you will look at my campaign and feel like "yeah not into corgis atm" so I am here to share projects I love with you!

These projects are in no particular order and I'm going to comment on them about the designs I love so you can skip that if you want and just click through to the links. I won't mind.

Starting with EVOL-EYE designs! My favorite pin from their campaign is actually the trust issues pin (the green hand lol). Something about horror themed designs just speak to me. All of her designs are worth checking out though so please don't let my favorite deter you. PS this was their brainchild of an idea to share these so thank you! <3 Much better than my original plan haha.

I love Succulent Scribbles! Look, she is single-handedly why after so many failed plush I was able to finally get one produced. She supports so many artists ahhh she's just great. She makes really high quality items (heck my frog blanket from her is still going strong YEARS and many washes later!). Anyways.. her campaign is literally in the same vein as mine so if you like ttrpg/fantasy game style designs, also check this out.

I own so many of Pinsomnia Designs pins so my favoritism may show through here. If you backed my Kickstarter project for the Mythical Monsters, she not only made the graphics for that she also contributed the Jackalope design. Either way, you should see some of the fantastic designs that are in this project and frankly, I wish I could collect them all. <3

Pinfeathers Pin Shoppe is probably one of the more underseen dragon artists I know. She's a busy parent and seeing what she does pop out is always a treat. Actually my favorite design from this campaign is the sea dragon!! If you have backed my projects before, she was the guest artist with the Potion dragon in my Halloween Hounds campaign and also the Dragon in my Mythical Monsters group project! So you may already be familiar with her and not even realize it! Either way, check her out! Her work is stellar and she doesn't get to do this very often so it's extra special!

Frost Dragon Designs is also a well established creator with probably the most extensive collection of designs I have ever seen. Honestly, this project screams at me because my dad, brother and husband are all engineers! I have so many friends in the sciences that are going to just die when they see this. Actually my new favorite design wasn't even posted at the time of me writing this blurb, just know that there is some screaming about hazardous materials lol. Can you guess which one it is? :D

I recently met this creator from Pintopia, Bunni's Boutique, and their designs are so wildly fun! Actually, she recently made this anti-corn design and now I'm obsessed with it. It's so good I really hope it gets funded! Honestly you should just follow her. She's overflowing with talent and I look forward to seeing what else she creates in the future!

Snarky Co is really more in line with my more bookish friends out there, so if you are reading this but aren't already aware of her, you need to be! She's very established as an artist and pin maker. Actually my favorites from her are not from this campaign (the swords!) but she has some fantastic designs in this campaign as well. The audio book one is so me on every road trip ever lol. It counts as reading, right? RIGHT??? Anyways lol check it out!

Kaiju Pins always has some of the most unique designs I've come across and I love when they share their early concepts with us! The cat pin in this project is adorable! They usually have a color scheme with their projects and this one is no exception - and this is so perfectly coordinated!

Holo Raindrops has some juicy pins that'll probably get me into some trouble but you can NOT ignore their designs omg. TELL ME THESE AREN'T BEAUTIFUL. You can't and you know it. Rainbow banner of just sexy monsters ahhhh! *cough* I actually love the vampire the most but I'd probably back for literally all of them if I could lol. Sorry (not sorry) if you're following me and get a notification.

Mayu Dream Star has so many cute cats ahhhh! I need this running coffee cat if I get nothing else. Her cat themed projects are always a delight as well! 

Cosmic Kristen Designs always does so many galaxy and cat themed projects that if you love cats, you should keep an eye on her! She also has a cute Stella space plush in development and I can't wait to see how that project goes!

Honestly there are loads more I love but if I didn't get a banner from them, they aren't on here! Please check out all the projects from Pintopia and even if you don't back them, I hope you find some artists you enjoy!

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Cross-Collab Project

Back both collaborator projects to earn free pins from both creators. View Collaborator →