Rick Kitagawa
7 months ago

Project Update: Hound of Tindalos unlocked! Next stop, Dagon!

Howdy howdy all!

I went to sleep, and then woke up to find that we've blown past the first stretch goal. THANK YOOOOOOU!!!

I have a confession to make.

You split between the Hound of Tindalos and Dagon as the first pin to unlock, and so I made the executive decision to unlock the Hound first (SORRY DAGON FANS!)

That said, it's obvious what y'all want, so Dagon is next to unlock at $1800, which I'm confident we'll get to.

So. Dagon is next on the list, but I need y'all's vote to figure out what to unlock at $2100. The poll is attached, and it closes at 11:59pm Pacific Time TONIGHT!

If you haven't backed, now's your chance - you can also back at the $5 level to vote and then upgrade your pledge when your favorite has unlocked), as ONLY BACKERS get to vote!  

Get voting backers, and THANK YOU AGAIN!

From my crumpled up, rotting-black heart,
9 votes • Final results
Once we reach this goal, the first stretch goal pin (chosen by you) unlocks!
Goal: $1,200 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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