So I've got some important production news regarding the shoggoth pin.
I've been working with my factory to try and get the pantone colors right, but I made the biggest rookie mistake of designing the pin on my computer without consulting a pantone color guide first. For those not in the design world. Pantone colors are a specific brand's guide to reproducing color - computer monitors all represent color differently, so if you've ever printed a photo off your computer and are surprised the color shifts - well, that's what's happening.
Anyway, I really liked all the subtle greenish greys my monitor was giving me, but upon consulting my Pantone colors, I couldn't get quite the right colors to accurate reproduce the greenish greys, so I ended up skewing everything a bit more greenish.
I personally think that this makes the pin design stronger overall (like the protoplasmic slime is being influenced by the light from the glowing orb-eyes), but I also acknowledge that this isn't what you might have pledged for, so I wanted to let you all know ASAP.
I'm going to move forward with this design, but if the more greenish hue really kills the pin for you, please let me know within a week (just reply here and I'll reach out) to figure out how to make it right for y'all.
I appreciate your understanding, and I hope you all are as excited as I am for the updated design!