Redmatter Creations
about 2 months ago

Project Update: One Month until Launch

Hello all!

Today marks one month until the launch of The Bright Spot crowdfunding campaign. Today is also coincidentally my birthday. There are a few changes that need to be addressed:
  • The Audiobook and Hardcover Editions - These will be stretch goals instead of included as an option. Audiobook narrators are expensive and the production costs for the hardcover version is nearly double.
    • If I do not reach the stretch goals, these editions will (hopefully) come out eventually. It will just be a while after the launch of the paperback edition
  • First Draft - I plan on my first draft of The Bright spot to be 75-85k words long. As I am writing this, TBS just hit 50k. If everything goes to plan, I should have the first draft finished by the time the crowdfunding campaign launches. Edits and revisions will take multiple months. For now, I have locked in a release date for May 1st. That may change though. The book may release a couple months earlier, or it may release a couple months later. It may even release on May 1st, but those who back the project, might get an early release! More information regarding that soon.
  • Exclusive Mini-Story 'Tales From The Bright Spot' - There is a specific stretch goal that if reached, I will add another ten thousand or so more words in an exclusive mini-story following a brand new character. If this stretch goal isn't reached, it's possible this character may never return in a future story.
  • Oracle Cards - Belinda Crawford and myself are collaborating together in the Booktopia 2024 event. We are providing those who back BOTH PROJECTS with a reward. 
    • If you back both projects you will receive 3 The Bright Spot oracle cards and 3 GAMER themed oracle cards.
    • You must back a physical tier for both projects to be eligible and the cards will ship with your pledge.
    • Heres a sneak peak. 

Heres a look at Belinda's Oracle Cards!

Thank you for helping bring The Bright Spot to "Light"




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