Redmatter Creations
5 months ago

Project Update: One week left to Back

To all those who are receiving this message but haven't made a pledge yet, now is the time to do so!!

Here are reasons why you should back now instead of waiting for the book to release:
  • Pledges start as low as 10 dollars, which is about the price of a large coffee these days. Your support will greatly help in covering the costs of professional editors and narrators
  • By pledging, you can receive exclusive benefits and merchandise. This is the only way to get a SIGNED first edition paperback of my novel. Additionally, you can get an exclusive bookmark and sticker pack.
  • Don't miss out! If you plan to read the book after it's released, you'll have to wait three or more months longer than those who backed the project while it was live.
  • And remember, when my books eventually become famous and beloved by many, you can proudly say, "I helped!"

I can't back because:
  • Problem: I dont have enough money right now, I need to wait until my next paycheck!
    • A: Dont worry, your card will only be charged until the campaign is over. We also do provide a cheap $10 e-book option if you still want to read it.
  • Problem: I don't know how to make a pledge or something went wrong with my donation! 
  • Problem: I don't want to
    • A: Thats perfectly okay! I know that there are some people who do want to, but just haven't 
  • Problem: I don't believe the project will get finished. I dont want to waste money and not get anything in return
    • A: I'm still hard at work trying to make The Bright Spot the best that it can be. I'm not the type of person to give up on something that I'm passionate about. I will also be sure to keep all the backers updated on the status of their orders.

As of today, it has been one month since I finished the first draft of The Bright Spot. I feel like I've given it enough time to sit while I work on other projects. I will admit, I have been itching like a SpringStep addict to get back at this project and fix it up before sending it off to an editor. I plan on doing a full rewrite and will (hopefully) submit the new draft to editors and beta readers on November 1st.

I will be participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and will start a draft on a new secret project that (admittedly) is coming along better than The Bright Spot.

Regardless, thanks to everyone who has backed and thank you to all future backers!
The Bright Spot will have a detailed map of Nivalis
Goal: $1,500 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!




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