A L Raden
11 days ago

Project Update: Last Chance: Final 24 Hour Reminders!

Hello, Adventurers! Three weeks flew by and we have just over 24 hours remaining!

If you haven't already, now is an excellent time to review your pledge to make sure it matches your expectations. All six main campaign pins (and stickers!) will be made, and add-ons have been added since the campaign launched, as well. I'm still hopeful that we'll unlock the 7th pin for our number of backers goal - a lot can happen in 24 hours! - but we're at 62% of the goal as of this writing and may fall a little short there. Fingers crossed! Please continue sharing and spreading the word, every shout out helps ^_^

For "Collector" tier, please note: I was hoping to share a finished sample of the charcoal drawing for the "Collector" tier today but, while the finished drawing isn't done, I do have a sketch! It looks like the winners of the poll were a tie with gaming and cosplay, so I'm drawing our dragon and cat friends playing pinball and wearing some gaming-related cosplay for a sample drawing.

This is not the specific drawing "Collector" tier folks will receive, just an example! People who back at the "Collector" tier will have the opportunity to choose what convention-related subject is depicted in their drawing (within reason, please note the guidelines in the campaign story).

Charcoal sketch of pinball-playing cat and dragon in cosplay - not a finished drawing!

If you are considering this tier or have backed at this tier, my existing charcoal drawings should also give you a sense of what to expect out of a finished product.

I think that's all for now! I'm so thrilled with the support and to have the opportunity to bring this pin series to all of you. Thank you all so much, and here's to a great final 24 hours!
"Support Human Artists" pin is unlocked
Goal: 39 / 60 backers
We need 21 more to reach this goal.




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