Quantum Marmalade
4 months ago

Project Update: Shipping starts soon!

Hey all,

Wow, what a terrible week it's been. We here at Quantum Marmalade Studios have always stood proud for human rights, women's rights, and inclusive and progressive policies. The Quantum Marmalade team itself has individuals from six different countries, all working together to make dumb jokes about strudel pastries. We fear for the future, but hope that we can bring you some small amount of joy, even as there's precious little to celebrate in the coming days.

On that note, some (very) small good news -- we've received the print copies of Nuclear Strudel Chapter 1:

The Oracle Cards have also been printed, which means we almost ready to start shipping! We'll hoping start sending things out within the next 1-2 weeks, but we'll let you know if we hit any delays.

Thanks, all -- stay safe; our best to you and yours,

. The QM Team





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