Publishing Goblin
almost 2 years ago

Project Update: Items Heading Out | Final Survey and Shipping Deadlines

Hello denizens of New Avernus,

It feels like it's already been too long since the previous update. The fulfillment center has the items on hand and has for a week or two now but the slow crawl of the bureaucracy to get things to move has been an annoying delay. Still, they have been paid, they have a list of the 380~ people who got their surveys done and shipping charges paid, and this week things should start traveling!

For the 100 others who have not yet paid their shipping charges or 20 who have not filled out their surveys, please be sure to get on it when you can!

I know some people did their surveys late and haven't been given a shipping charge yet. I will step in to input that this week, and once more weekly as I see surveys get completed.

The Final Deadline

We're all set to get shipping for the 380 people who got everything done on time. Again, that should be everything going out this week.
For the 120 people still fixing shipping costs and surveys, you have until May 16th to get it done, or to reach out to Backerkit support/me for any assistance you need to get things set in place. Up to and about a week after that time, I will put orders through with my fulfillment center.

After that time (May 16th, 2023), any unclaimed rewards will be put into the pile to head to me, where I will begin selling the remaining copies and looking to get local stores to carry the game. Originally, I wasn't going to have the fulfillment center hold the inventory for more than a week, but I do want to give people a month from today to get things clarified with banks or surveys or whatnot.

After May 16th, any pledges left unclaimed, or surveys left undone, or shipping left unpaid, will consider the pledge rewards forfeit. I will not be doing refunds on those, with the funds paid-in considered support for the project.

Need Help?

Reach out to backerkit support for assistance! If they can't fix it they will forward you to me, so be sure to use that channel! It will get to whoever can help, one way or another.

Thanks all,






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