You're looking at the full spread of items here, with a quarter for scale. Yeah, the Alleyway Oracle is a HUGE pin. 3.5" tall didn't seem like much until I opened the box.
Now, Im missing 11 boxes of pins still (they're coming tomorrow), so I'll hold off packing just yet, but that means over this next week I should be able to get quite a bit packed and moving. This weekend happens to be Denver Pride weekend, then my birthday, so please give me a little grace in probably waiting until the last weekend of June instead haha. In penance, I give you photos!
If you're one of the few people who didn't do your survey yet, hop on it! I won't probably get EVERYTHING moving right away, but I will be sending out packages here and there on the way to the big shipment weekend. If for no other reason than to clear out my apartment of boxes. : )
Alright friends, happy Pride month, hope you are as excited for these pins as I am to get them to you!