Catcrawl - An exploration game about a cat in a new home

Catcrawl - An exploration game about a cat in a new home

You are a cat and have recently arrived in a new home. Now you're alone in this unfamiliar environment for the first time and set out to explore it. Will your exploration be cozy and cute or chaotic and destructive? (GM-less/solo TTRPG for 1-4 players)
€2,657 🎉
of €1,000
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Zine Month
Catcrawl - an exploration game about a cat in a new home. A tabby cat sits on a sofa in a living room and reaches towards a basket with balls of yarn and a pair of knitting needles on a coffee table. There's a track of cat paw prints on the floor in the background.

You are a cat and have recently arrived in your new home. Now you're alone in this unfamiliar environment for the first time and set out to explore it.

Is your exploration going to be curious and cute? Or are you a cat that's out for chaos and destruction? How are you going to interact with the environment and what are you going to discover? Play to find out!

In Catcrawl, you collaborate to tell the story of the cat's exploration by using an apartment map with 24 squares the cat can visit.

Players take turns playing the cat, and describing its environment and the consequences of the cat's actions. Roles rotate with every new square and several prompt lists support your exploration and narration.

Catcrawl is a GM-less or solo role-playing game for 1-4 players and a play time of 30 minutes to 3 hours (as you like). It needs no prep - just open the zine and start playing!

"Catcrawl is a cute, cozy game about exploring a house as a cat. It's a perfect game for those moments you want something quick and easy: a last-minute game, or something to play when a player doesn't show up. The rules give you enough support without bogging you down. It plays really easily online too, which is always a plus! I had a great time playing this and absolutely recommend it. It's light-hearted, fun and will probably be one of the cutest games you own!" - Jazy (playtester)

Zine & PDF. A cat sits next to the title with its tail curled around itself. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.
We're funding the digital and physical production of the game in English.

This includes the fees for translating, proofreading, and printing, and half of the artwork and layout costs.

At the beginning of this campaign, the game is already fully written, playtested, illustrated, and layouted in German. The translation into English is in progress and will use an adapted version of the existing layout. The writing, translation, illustration, and layout are of course 100% human-made.

We expect the English version of the zine to be finished and shipped out by mid-April 2025. The German version will be released for the local Free RPG Days in mid-March 2025 (as a free PDF and locally available limited print run). After crowdfunding fulfillment, both versions will be regularly available through Plotbunny Games and our retail partners.

The cover shows a cat that's about to explore a basket of yarn balls on a coffee table next to a sofa in a living room. The spread of interior pages shows the illustrations and descriptions for four of the map squares: A plant, curtains, a coffee table, and a sofa.
Mockup of the cover and two interior pages (subject to change)

These are our current plans for the zine:


  • 28 pages, A5 format (148 x 210 mm / 5.8 x 8.3 inches)
  • Full-color cover and interior
  • Zine: Staple-bound, uncoated paper
  • PDF: Screenreader-ready with tags, image descriptions, and clickable internal references and external links


  • Complete instructions for play
  • Original artwork, including a lovingly detailed apartment map with 24 squares to explore
  • Descriptions and consequence prompts for all squares
  • Ideas for cat actions

Extra material (free downloads for everyone)

  • Printable apartment map (A4 sheet)
  • Cat minis (A4 sheet with 3 different cat figures to cut out and fold into minis)
  • Playsheet template for

The map shows an apartment map with 24 squares, each of which has items or furniture for the cat to explore. The mini page shows several cut-out cats and directions for how to fold them into a mini. An orange-colored mini stands in front of the pages.
Mockup of the playsheet and cat minis (subject to change)
Community Art. A fluffy cat stands next to the title with its tail upright. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.

Besides the cover artwork, apartment map, and cat minis by Andrea Rick, the artwork in Catcrawl has been created by the wonderful Plotbunny Games Discord community and their families.

Sixteen people (Arcess, Carabas Crafts by Brigitte Massek, Ilkao, Jasmin Neitzel, Jolie, Jonas Richter, Joy, Knurrkater, Kuchenklau, Marino, May-Britt Ilse, Moni Massek, naerrin, Nairi, Serina, and Tali) have contributed over 30 black-and-white cat drawings in a glorious variety of styles and drawing techniques.

All of their cats are included in Catcrawl's layout. Together, they show the creativity of our community, the individuality of their creators, and their support of our games. They also illustrate what we lose if we don't cherish human-made art in all of its diversity and stages of proficiency. (Yes, this is an anti-AI statement.)

Because all cats are beautiful. And we need our communities now more than ever.

The pages show the set-up conversation and overview of how to play, together with seven pieces of cat artwork in a variety of styles and faint paw print tracks across the pages.
Mockup of two interior pages with community cat art (subject to change)
Pledge Levels. A cat sits next to the title with it paw reaching up towards it. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.

We're keeping this campaign very simple to allow for quick and easy fulfillment. You can get the game as a PDF or as a printed zine (PDF included). You can also use the 1 € level to support us in spirit. This also gives you access to the add-ons (see below).

Thank you pledge. Symbolic support and access to the add-ons. 1 €. Beside the text is the cover of Catcrawl.

Thank You - 1 € / ca. $1.03

PDF pledge. PDF, screenreader-ready. 9 €. Beside the text is the cover of Catcrawl.

Catcrawl as a PDF - 9 € / ca. $9.30

Printed zine + PDF pledge. Zine + PDF, screenreader-ready. 16 €. Beside the text is a mock-up of the Catcrawl zine with a second sheet underneath to symbolize the PDF.

Catcrawl as a printed zine and PDF - 16 € / ca. $16.50
Add-ons. A fluffy cat stands next to the title with its tail upright. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.

You can choose one or more of these add-ons after selecting your pledge level:

Catcrawl (English). Community Copy (Donation) 7 €. Additional printed zine + PDF 16 €. Beside the text is a mock-up of the Catcrawl zine with a second sheet underneath to symbolize the PDF.

Catcrawl (in English)

  • Donate a Community Copy (to be distributed via later) - 7,00 € / ca. $7.30
  • Additional printed zine + PDF in English - 15,95 € / ca. $16.60

Catcrawl (German). PDF 9 €. Printed zine + PDF 16 €. Beside the text is a mock-up of the Catcrawl zine with a second sheet underneath to symbolize the PDF.

Catcrawl (in German)

  • PDF in German - 8.95 € / ca. $9.30
  • Printed zine + PDF in German - 15,95 € / ca. $16.60

Against the Monster. PDF 8,95 €. Printed zine + PDF 15,95 €. Beside the text is a mock-up of the Against the Monster zine with a second sheet underneath to symbolize the PDF.

Against the Monster

A story game about a monster hunt, the good of the monster, and the monstrosity of the hunters.

  • PDF in English - 8.95 € / ca. $9.30
  • Printed zine + PDF in English - 15,95 € / ca. $16.60

Viva la QueerBar. PDF 10,95 €. Printed zine + PDF 17,95 €. Beside the text is a mock-up of the Viva la QueerBar zine with a second sheet underneath to symbolize the PDF.

Viva la QueerBar

A story game about the pleasures and struggles of a queer bar and the team who runs it.

  • PDF - 10.95 € / ca. $11.40 (in English)
  • Printed zine + PDF - 17,95 € / ca. $18.70 (in English - while supplies last!)
Shipping. A cat sits next to the title with its tail curled around itself. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.

Shipping will be charged additionally after the campaign through BackerKit. Actual costs for shipping, packaging, and handling will be calculated when we move into fulfillment.

Shipping costs for 1-3 zines are likely to be about (currency conversion estimates as of Feb. 3rd, 2025):
  • Germany - 6 € / ca. $6.20
  • Rest of the EU - 9 € / ca. $9.30
  • Switzerland, Great Britain - 10 € / ca. $10.30
  • USA, Canada, Australia - 12 € / ca. $12.40
  • Rest of the World - 15 € / ca. $15.50

VAT is already included in the pledge/add-on prices where it applies. Backers will be responsible for any additional import taxes, fees or tariffs (if any) on their end.
Team. A cat sits next to the title with it paw reaching up towards it. A track of cat paw prints stretches across the page.

Plotbunny Games — Publisher

Plotbunny Games is an award-winning indie TTRPG publisher from Berlin, Germany. We publish both translations and German originals. Great games by marginalized creators are especially dear to our heart. You can find out more about us on our website (German-only so far) and on our page (English and German).  You can also follow us on social media

Andrea Rick (she/her) — Game Design, Artwork, Layout, Translation

Andrea Rick is a game designer, graphic designer, translator, and editor and the sole owner of Plotbunny Games. You can find her games on, including Miss Bernburg's Finishing School for Young Ladies and Viva la QueerBar, as well as a bunch of smaller games. She previously wrote and published four other games together with Jasmin. You can find her on various social media.

Jasmin Neitzel (she/her) — Game Design, Crowdfunding Consulting

Jasmin Neitzel is a veteran of the TTRPG industry; she has done about everything one can do with a game, from editing to line development to marketing and community management. She has worked on The Dark Eye, The World of Darkness and designed Against the Monster with Andrea. You can find her socials and podcast here.

Members of the Plotbunny Games Community — Further Artwork

Arcess, Carabas Crafts by Brigitte Massek, Ilkao, Jasmin Neitzel, Jolie, Jonas Richter, Joy, Knurrkater, Kuchenklau, Marino, May-Britt Ilse, Moni Massek, naerrin, Nairi, Serina, and Tali contributed further cat drawings to the project.

Marx Shepherd (they/them) — Proofreading

Marx Shepherd is a freelance editor and writer who makes weird games for cool people and cool games for weird people. They're also the community manager for Far Horizons CoOp, the former host and producer of Yes Indie'd Pod, and the former cat herder for the in*die zine. They're perhaps best known for their editing work on Anamnesis by Blinking Birch Games, Valiant Horizon and Apocalypse Frame by Binary Star Games, and Terminus by Bright Bard Games.
Plotbunny Games: Catcrawl Press Kit

LunarShadow Designs: Zine Month Interview: Catcrawl - Article

The Soloist: 👁️ 10 Games of Zine Month 2025 - Article

Rascal: Catcrawl shows that all cats are beautiful - Article

EUphoria AP: TTRPGs we 💛 by European-based creatives (Part 4) - YouTube video

Have You Played This TTRPG?: A First Zinemonth collection - Article

Teilzeithelden: „Catcrawl“ – Erkundungsspiel mit Samtpfoten-Charme im Crowdfunding - Article (in German)

Rascal: Zine Month 2025: Trans Quest - Article

Would you like to feature Catcrawl on your blog, podcast, or stream? Please get in touch - we'd be happy to give an interview or play a session with you!
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