2 months ago

Project Update: Pintopia Collab Pin reveal!

Finally I can show you all the two collab pins Abi Stevens and I have come up with!

These are two separate 1 inch gold enamel pin badges which combine to form one piece when displayed! We decided to go for an eye with wings around it, each of us adding our own unique twist and style to our halves.

(The final pins won’t include our names or signatures of course, this image is just to show you our concept and designs!)
I wanted to ensure mine looked quite insect-like so used Fly wings for reference, and after seeing Abi add a touch of blue to her design, decided it might be cool to add a little bit of blue to mine too for the compound eye to bring them together as one piece. This was so much fun to work on, and I can’t wait to see what they will look like when produced, if our projects reach their goals. 

I’ll be posting the rainbow variants for the main pins next week, keep an eye out! They will be stretch goals~





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