Jason Miceli
7 days ago

Project Update: Join our launch-day celebration on Thursday!

It's almost time!

We launch in just 2 days, and we've got quite a lot planned for our kickoff! The campaign officially launches at 1pm eastern (10am pacific) on March 13th, but we will begin our festivities even earlier... 

Here's the schedule for our celebration livestream event - we hope you can join us for some or all of it!:
  • 12:30pm eastern: Our livestream begins with a board game themed trivia game that everyone can participate in! Tim Mierzejewski will host the game, and Alex Cutler, myself, and several other of our designers will join live. Livestream viewers will be able to participate simply by browsing to a web-link we'll provide. Let's see how much we all know!
  • 1:00pm eastern: The Widget's Workshop campaign officially launches. Alex Cutler and I will walk through the campaign page from top to bottom, highlighting all the important aspects for everyone. Please plan to back the campaign as soon as we launch, to give us the best chance of success! And remember, by backing in the first 48 hours you will get a free copy of the Arcane Accessories add-on, AND if you're a repeat backer you will also get a free copy of the Boblin Bites Pizza Break add-on!!
  • 1:15pm eastern: Alex and I will play a game of Widget's Workshop live, using our brand new Widget's Workshop Tabletop Simulator DLC mod! I will also launch a giveaway contest for Steam codes for a free copy of this DLC!
  • 2:00pm eastern: We should wrap up around 2pm eastern.

You can find and join the livestream directly via the BackerKit campaign page, or you can join us on YouTube, Twitch, or Facebook as desired. Join us for some fun, and please don't forget to back immediately upon launch!






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