Comments 5

It's gonna be GREAT!!

I'm slightly confused by this campaign. Are the stretch goal mini pins included with the Cabinet of Curiosities, or are you missing the price and add-on button?

Sorry, yes I haven't added them as add-ons yet. This went so fast I wasn't prepared. There will also be a few tiers that include the minis as well. Setting those up now!

Hi!! I have a question and I'm sorry if it's dumb lol (math is NOT my strong suit) but I can't reconcile how each "shelf" space is 2×5 if the overall cabinet is only 9×6 😅 Is my math off, or am I simply totally misinterpreting the description? Sorry again if it's a silly question!

Not a silly question at all! I just realized I accidentally switched around the dimensions of the pin, but it's 6 inches wide and 9 inches tall, and each open shelf space is 5 inches wide and 2inches tall. So sorry for the confusion. For extra clarity I also added a dimension chart to the campaign story. Thank you so much for your question and let me know if there's anything else you're curious about.

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