12 months ago

Project Update: Surveys

Good news!

Surveys have been sent and we will begin fulfilment tomorrow. We had hoped to have it fulfilled tonight, but the adventure needed a final round of edits, so it will be with you tomorrow.

You will notice that Fomorian Invasion: The Silent Outpost doesn't follow the same "Choose Your Path" style as The Morrigan's Veil. We are still experimenting with the format of these short adventures and they will likely evolve with time and feedback. 

While on the subject of feedback, please do let us know your thoughts. And be honest. Don't worry we won't cry!

But do you know what will make us cry?

Onions & Wagons

This slice of wacky awesomeness launched a couple of hours ago. The party guard a caravan transporting onions to an unknown destination all the while not realizing that they are the main ingredient in the upcoming dish...and the wagons they guard are kindling for the fires that will cook them.

Unless they manage to outsmart the Onion Lord that is...Yes...We even created a monster called an Onion Lord.

Because that's how a Penny Dragon do. You can check it out HERE.

Onions & Wagons

Here's to celebrating 50 years of DnD!

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon

user avatar image for Kayleigh




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