Paws for Effect
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Veil of Shadows: Curse of the Obsidian Eclipse is FUNDED!

Hello all!

We are happy to announce that our project has surpassed its funding goal. Thank you for your amazing support! 

Joining Backerkit we were unsure if people would show up to support our project since this is a new platform for creators. We are excited to see that our One-shot adventure is already funded and that we will have plenty of time to be able to bring you more content through the stretch goals as we do in our KS projects so far.

For our first stretch goal, we will include +2 Cursed Magic Items in the adventure. One will be a weapon and the other will be a piece of armor. These items can be found and even be used in the adventure giving some advantage to the adventurers, but at the same time exposing them to another type of danger! The party should use them with caution, or else...




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