Join the Sisterhood, a secret organisation of Nuns from around the world with a one goal. Punch some Demons and stop the apocalypse. Become a gun wielding, cigarette smoking, kickass nun and save our souls in this multiplayer TTRPG.
Parable Games
Latest from the Creator
Sisterhood is a multiplayer tabletop roleplaying game where everyone plays as a nuns. But not just any nuns. Gun toting, cigarette smoking, demon punching nuns. Create a crack team of sisters and try to stop the apocalypse.
The Sisterhood core book will have rules to create your nuns as well all the gear from bibles to bazookas to tool them up with.
The Sisterhood is a secret organisation that was set up after World War II. Taking new nuns who joined from around the world and their specific set of skills and putting them to working fighting demons.
The brand New Cross Combat system is exclusive to Sisterhood. Tactical gameplay of good vs evil with a unique position based battle system that will have you clashing with cultists in no time.
The four horsemen weren’t happy that WWII didn’t bring about the rapture. Now there’s a mysterious fifth member in the gang kicking up an apocalypse sized fuss and bringing in the celestial cavalry.
But it’s not just demons causing trouble on Earth. Something else watches our sisters intently.