Pandion Games
4 months ago

Project Update: The Dimensional Diner - a free sector for Substratum Protocol

Hello everyone!

We always planned to release additional depth sectors over time to add strange, horrific, or downright silly places for your expeditions to visit that didn't fit into the core game. Today we released the first of these: The Dimensional Diner!

Backers, should receive an email from Backerkit with new digital download. Everyone else can find the free PDF on our

The Dimensional Diner is an uncanny sector that, on the surface, looks like a 1960's diner to the scientists, but they quickly discover that this is a meeting place of aliens from across the universe with strange liminal hallways, hidden secrets, conspiracies, and more. The patrons are completely unaware that their diner exists in the crust of a dying planet.

This sector can be played as part of your Substratum Protocol expedition or as a stand alone solo mystery using the core Hints and Hijinx rules.

We plan to release additional free sectors in the future, so stay tuned!

Thanks for all your support!
-Andy Boyd
Pandion Games


Psst. Hi there. We're launching a new cozy-dark tabletop roleplaying game of playing cards, dice, and magical jams. Magic is waning. Find, collect, and preserve the last sources of magic into highly coveted jams that keep the world’s magic alive. Be one of the firsts to sign up!
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