James Bell
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Jan 2025 - Reward Distribution: BACKER PDF is on the way!

Hello Argonauts,

If you're like me, you're just about ready to spend a bunch of time with friends in a world of your own imagination. And guess what - I've got an awesome PDF coming our way just in time!

It's time for some BACKER PDFs!

Reward Distribution: TRINITY CONTINUUM: AEGIS Backer PDF

A beacon of hope in a Dark Age

Trinity Continuum: Aegis is a game of adventure and exploration set in Greece’s Iron Age. Ten years ago, streaks of fire lit up the skies, setting alight the night. The largest of these crashed into Mount Olympus, and pools of glowing golden liquid appeared in their path. Those who came into contact with the substance were forever changed, and now they use their incredible powers to fight monsters, protect their communities, and explore the world.

The Trinity Continuum Corebook is required to play this game. This book includes:
  • Rules for creating Champions, Oracles, and Olympians — Aegis’ superpowered heroes — and an overview of the Colleges they form.
  • New Gifts tailored to the new character types.
  • New rules for Dramatic Editing and Super Science, and new antagonists for your characters to face.
  • Storyguiding advice for running a game in the world of Aegis.


If this PDF was on your list of rewards, your link to claim your Trinity Continuum: Aegis Backer PDF will be sent out by our BackerKit pledge manager over the next day. Since we are using our partners at DriveThruRPG as the host for this, you will need to set up a DriveThru account if you don't have one already. If you encounter any problems with downloading your rewards, please contact DTRPG's customer service to resolve the matter, they've always been top-rated for customer service. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/contact_us.php

Again, you will receive an e-mail from BackerKit with links for this reward over the next 24 hours if it is on your expected list of rewards.

The easiest way to see if you've got digital downloads available is to login to your backerkit account: https://trinity-continuum-aegis-tabletop-roleplaying-game.backerkit.com and it'll show anything available. Your backerkit account should also confirm all rewards that you should expect from your reward tier selected.


This is the first version of Trinity Continuum: Aegis to be released. The design and development teams have done their best to proofread and correct any errors and typos - but some always sneak through. If you catch any typos, incorrect math, visual glitches, and the like, we want to hear about them and correct them before we send the book off to print.

With that in mind, I'd like to introduce the Aegis Feedback Form!

Onyx Path will be launching a special Trinity Continuum: Aegis Feedback Form, which you will be able to access here: https://forms.gle/m74yuHge8pnz7JYo7

They are aware of the Page XX notations - those are left in to replace for the final version once any changes you've suggested are made, so they can reference the correct page if any shifts in layout result.

Onyx Path will keep errata collection open for the next week. Please submit your feedback as soon as possible so the team can get on to finalizing this file - and working on our print version as well!

They won't be collecting errata from other spots, just this specific form.

After any needed corrections are made (based on your feedback!), they will prepare an updated final PDF version of the book and you will receive a notice from DrivethruRPG that you can re-download your file with the latest version.

You've already made the book a reality with your Kickstarter support. Now you can make it even better by helping us crowdsource any minor errors and corrections.

SO: Look for your reward email over the next 24 hours, or check your BackerKit page to see your digital reward redemption links. Review the backer PDF and submit any feedback you have, and let's make this book as awesome as possible!

Rewards Still Pending

All backers will be doing the final proofing run on this book over the next week. Please remember to submit your feedback using the form so it goes directly to the developers! Then the book will move on to the Finalizing stage and prepping for eventual PoD and hardcover print runs. That'll be a while still, but I'll keep you updated as Onyx Path advances.

Rewards Distributed to Backers

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://trinity-continuum-aegis-tabletop-roleplaying-game.backerkit.com


You can read Onyx Path's most recent monthly summary, covering all projects and their status up to that point here: <December 2024 Project Status Summary>

You can find the weekly Monday Meeting blog updates <here>, which note any projects with status changes since the previous Month End summary. The project statuses listed are current as of last Monday, so do check it out each Monday night to see if anything may have progressed!

I will continue to post regular updates every month until the final reward has gone out.

Remember: You can use the links at the bottom of this e-mail to unsubscribe from updates or Manage your notification settings. These status updates are available on the campaign page for you to review at any time.

Onyx Path Discussion Channels

If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:

To Contact James

  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at] gmail.com
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.






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