James Bell
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Setting Examples and Stretching Goals

Hello Spunky Supporters!

Well, these first 19 hours have been awesome. Not only have we funded the book, we've gathered more than 500 backers and are helping decide on the direction of our second Sci-Fi example setting for the final version!

As one of the benefits of backing during the early days of this quick campaign, YOU get to have your vote counted to help decide what the subject/theme of the second example setting will be.

For this first poll, our Sci-Fi options are:

  1. Cyber-enhanced humans fly corporate-owned starships in search of new life and new financial opportunities.
  2. Futuristic superheroes fight interdimensional monsters in order to keep them from destabilizing reality.
  3. An experimental space flight flings the player characters into a distant galaxy full of strange and alien sights.

I'll stress that nothing has been written for this second setting yet, and that these themes/concepts have been left as pretty general umbrellas to hold a lot of ideas that may come to the developers and writers when they begin putting this section together. We're helping by providing a direction.

I just mention that because I've seen some amazing discussion about the possibilities within each concept, but also some disappointment that "voting for Futuristic Superheroes means we won't get the starship rules that would have come with the first option!" Or "we won't get cyber-enhancement rules if we vote for option three!" The only thing I can say, at this point in time, nothing is off the table and the team will take our direction and come up with lots of cool stuff.

Right now, we've got "Lost in a Distant Galaxy" just squeaking into the lead, with Cyber-enhanced humans fly starships right behind, and 

I'll note that we've only had 212 votes so far, so that means fewer than half of our backers have voted.

                               >>> CLICK TO VOTE ON THE SCI-FI SETTING HERE <<<

Voting will run until September 14th at 2:00 PM EST. You must be a backer of this project to vote for this setting.

Personally, I'm a big fan of all of those ideas and was initially looking at "Lost in a distant galaxy" because I could see running that kind of game with my group. And then someone suggested "Futuristic Superheroes fight monsters" could be about building a team of teenage science ninjas with individual vehicles and bird-themed costumes and now I'm wavering. The good news is that you can change your vote as often as you like... right up until the September 14th end point.

And, here's an idea. If the setting direction you're rooting for doesn't end up winning and you fear that some cool ideas and concepts you were really looking forward to won't be available...

Well, it's time for some Stretch Goal talk!

As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Whenever we achieve a stretch goal, the image will be updated to reflect the achievement.

At $30,000 in Funding - COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM - Onyx Path will expedite adding Storypath Ultra material to the Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.

The StoryPath Nexus is Onyx Path's imprint that allows you — the StoryPath community — to create and sell self-published material for StoryPath RPGs like the second edition of the Scion and Trinity roleplaying games. You can offer your work for free, set a price, or make it pay-what-you-want. They’ll give you some resources to help you out, and a marketplace for other Storypath fans to use.

At this time, the Nexus is open for certain parts of the Scion second edition setting, some eras within the Trinity Continuum, and They Came from Beneath the Sea! There's still a lot of games to be opened up and added, but all of that takes time as the Onyx Path legal brains figure out what's allowed and build assets to help you.

If we hit this Stretch Goal, that will push Storypath Ultra to the front part of the line, getting SPU systems and assets available to Content Creators so they can build material for all of us to use.

You can read more about Storypath Nexus <here>

Beyond that, we'll have a few milestone markers to help us track our pace and give the team time to get the wording right on our next set of Stretch Goals!

At $35,000 in Funding - DIGITAL WALLPAPER - Sensational SPU artwork will be used to create a wallpaper for your computer desktop. This digital wallpaper will be added to the rewards list of all backers supporting this project.

At $38,000 in Funding – STORYPATH ULTRA SHIRT ON REDBUBBLE – A Storypath Ultra-themed Backer shirt will be hosted on Onyx Path’s Redbubble store for a limited time. Only backers will be notified when the shirt becomes available for purchase.

So remember to vote! Share ideas about your setting preferences in the comments or on Discord, and let's continue to spread the word and see if we can't get those Stretch Goals unlocked!

Tomorrow - We'll get a peek at the first example setting from the book with some Pinfall from Grace fiction!


user avatar image for Matthew Dawkins




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